About illegalcopying.com

We have developed a system that protects the content on your homepage, webshop or blog.
The way it works is that it registers when someone copies your content.
Many companies spend extensive hours and expensive resources to create unique contents that explain their products, services and their company mission etc.
When others copy content and publish on their own media platforms, without permission, it is a breach of the Copyright Act and is unlawful.

illegalcopying.com is here to stop illegal copying and protect unique content. You can read more about the history of our concept here.

What is illegalcopying.com?

illegalcopying.com was established in 2016 as an aid for companies with digital evidence and legal assistance when it was discovered that their content had been copied.

Today we also assist with homepage, web shop and blog protection.
Our unique innovative system helps detect when your content has been copied and immediately alerts you. We provide you with digital proof of Copy Right infringement.
Our Attorneys can use this evidence to resolve the matter with monetary reimbursement from the copying identity.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring a legal stop to the copying that occurs daily online.

Unlawful copying of contents can have a negative impact for those companies and home pages that are affected.
We have made it easy for you to protect your personal content and easy to file a suit against the perpetrator that have unlawfully copied your material.

How does illegalcopying.com work?

All you have to do to protect the content on your website from being compromised is simply:

  1. Establish an account
  2. Implement our tracking code on your page
  3. Choose whether or not to file a suit

It’s that simple!
Once you have inserted our tracking code, we make sure to:

  • Register and send you an alert when your content has been copied – and where
  • IT Department perform a digital evidence protection certificate
  • Our Legal Team sends a monetary request to the other party – if you choose to file a claim
  • In case of a dispute, our Attorneys will be involved in your case with the Court

With illegalcopying.com on your side, your content is safe. You can read more about the process here.

Who is illegalcopying.com?

illegalcopying.com is a partnership of Ken Boye, one of the former creators of the successful DanDomain company and IT Specialist John Nielsen.
With our extensive broad background knowledge, we give you the advantage in protecting your private content along with legal prosecution when your content has been illegal copied.

Industrial firm copied texts from IT company’s homepage

IT company had created a brand new website with unique content and it was used by an industrial firm and launched on their website.
It was discovered through the tracking software used by illegalcopying.com which contacted the firm and demanded the content removed.
Text was immediately removed and a settlement was paid to the IT company.

Copied and improperly used material about online marketing

An internet user copied content from a marketing firms website and used it for a commercial newsletter. This was done without disclosing the source of information or the crediting of the company behind the original text.
In doing so, the copyright laws were breached.
The content illegally used for the newsletter was removed from the site and settlement was paid to the marketing.

Important message to our users

Thank you for your support of illegalcopying.com over the past 9 years. Since the beginning, our mission has been to help protect intellectual property rights and ensure justice for those affected by illegal copying.

With our Freemium subscription, we have made it possible for the vast majority of users to use the service for free, while at the same time registering hundreds of thousands of copying incidents and protecting our users from undetected illegal copying in tens of thousands of cases. We are proud of this, and we hope that our efforts have made a difference for you.

Despite these efforts, we unfortunately have to admit that it has not been possible to make the platform achieve the necessary sustainability. After careful consideration, we have therefore made the decision to close UlovligKopiering.dk and concentrate on our other activities.

We would like to express our great gratitude to every single user and ambassador who has supported and recommended us over the years. Without you, our work would not have been possible.

Thank you for your understanding and the significant support you have given us.